Professional Cat Groomers Association of America - an Educational and Accreditation Organization
Copyright Policy:

All rights are reserved to all written or graphic material on this web site and may not be printed, photocopied or otherwise used or distributed (except for personal use) without written permission of site owner. Copyright © 2008 Professional Cat Groomers Assoc. of America.

Unless otherwise noted, all graphics and written content are the work of Professional Cat Groomers Assoc. of America and owner (Kimberly Raisanen). The professional show pictures were taken by a show photographer and permission was granted for the use of the photos on this website. However, these images remain the sole property under their individual copyright and may not be used without the written consent of their owners anywhere else. Any picture of a Persian on this website are owned by Pelaqita Persians and are used on this website as a courtesy and permission has been granted to the Professional Cat Groomers Association of America. 


For documents and information available from this website are owned by, Professional Cat Groomers Assoc. of America.  The products available for continuing education and promotional materials are available to all members and the PCGAA does not assume responsibility for any product that is sold on this website once it is picked up for delivery.  The Professional Cat Groomers Assoc. of America is NOT a veterinarian clinic or health care specialist, the opinions expressed on this web site are just that - our opinion based on our experience - If your pet has a medical issue, you should always consult a licensed veterinarian for medical assistance.

    External Links

Some of Professional Cat Groomers Assoc. of America Web pages may provide links to other Internet sites for the convenience of our visitors. Professional Cat Groomers Assoc. of America is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites, nor does Professional Cat Groomers Assoc. of America necessarily endorse, warrant, or guarantee the products, services, or information described or offered at these other Internet sites. Users cannot assume that the external sites will abide by the same Privacy Policy, nor adherence to C.O.P.P.A. regulations to which Professional Cat Groomers Assoc. of America adheres. It is the responsibility of the user to examine the copyright, child safety, and C.O.P.P.A. policies of all linked pages.

     Member Privacy Policy

Our member addresses and phone numbers are listed on this site for the sole purpose of internal organization use by our members and for consumers to contact a professional cat groomer in their area. Do not solicit our members, their privacy is just that, private.  If you have a product you would like to introduce to our members, please contact our administrator at [email protected]

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